Minneapolis eases liquor license restrictions, restaurants flock to opportunity offering craft cocktail experiences

When it comes to liquor, the City of Minneapolis chose to take a step back and do a little deregulating. As a step of confirmation, they offered the idea to the citizens through a city charter change; the public supported it overwhelmingly (72% yes).

And now, in the first season that restaurants were offered the chance to compete in the liquor business, restaurants are seizing the opportunity. Additionally, many are entering the market by creating custom cocktails and unique flavors that complement their menus. In the end, people seeking great food and beverage experiences are the biggest winners.

Here’s the quote from the Star Tribune article that captures the business atmosphere, “It’s a big plus for the city, just as we predicted it would be. The customers are getting what they’re looking for.” –– Matt Perry, Minneapolis Charter Commissioner

In Minot, we’ve been slow to adopt meaningful liquor license reform. Meanwhile, our neighbors are setting their policies to that make it easy to win investors.

Star Tribune

This article was sourced from:

Andy Mannix, Star Tribune

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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