In Verse: Song For a Mistrel

Jackson Browne—Til I Go Down

For all the Singer Song Writers In Bone Town

For Leonard Cohen, John Lennon,
And John Prine

did not watch the movie,
did not read the book,
I heard his confession,
that was all it took;

he knew that he was human,
knew that he had failed,
knew that he was broken
so I loved his tall tales;

his songs reflect the broken,
the shattered and the dead;
and then the resurrection came
and joy and peace instead–

Cover photo courtesy of Rick Watson; captured by Wendy Voeller, Wiess Photo Creations.

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Rick Watson

Rick Watson is a 5th generation Anguished Anglo-Saxon Doggerlander who wanders vastly across the spiritual plains of Dakota Land—He is a retired ELCA pastor, retired MSU Lecturer, ND Associate Poet Laureate who still straps on the guitar, writes little essays, and loves to write ballads about our world and sing them for folks.

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