In Verse: See Below !

Leonard Cohen–Anthem

I was there to see the mountains fall
mea culpa
all the loves of my life would tell
you I have a criminal mind

after I had been in the house at this location for 25
years I was given a parking ticket and a towing threat
the first in those 25 years
why? parked in a small drift in front of my house
after the city had not cleaned the street
and after my next door friend had plowed us out

the officer explained
I explained
the mountains sundered–
the bells of the church down the hill
rang as they always do

I was kind,
so was the officer when I explained
I still owe the city 25 bucks
and my car, plugged in at
a few degrees below zero
will be towed in 4 days
if I do not move it
and I must continue to move it from here
on out, every 48 hours
I am a pilgrim
and even the mountains move

the city plows have still not
been through on the street
I will move my car
I will pay the fine
I will listen to the bells
I will study the cracks in life

I will lament as I remember the
huge magnificent mountain range
that is gone under water
like the earth’s crust,
I fold buckle and rise
this is a comedy and I pay the
fine to be a part of the show
just like the mountains that remain
and such…see below…

Cover photo courtesy of Rick Watson; captured by Wendy Voeller, Wiess Photo Creations.

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Rick Watson

Rick Watson is a 5th generation Anguished Anglo-Saxon Doggerlander who wanders vastly across the spiritual plains of Dakota Land—He is a retired ELCA pastor, retired MSU Lecturer, ND Associate Poet Laureate who still straps on the guitar, writes little essays, and loves to write ballads about our world and sing them for folks.

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