In Verse: In the Wind

— From December, 1990’s

A Ballad —

In honor of The Good Lovies—Under The Mistletoe
“God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”

Big moon hanging in the sky
Big and white in the black night
Scattered snow is blowing round
And the earth hums with the sound

Just came home from where I’ve been
And I hear Christmas in the wind

Old grey barn is falling down
Boards are scattered all around
Moonlight shines in through the holes
Moonlight shines down on the snow

Just came home from where I’ve been
And I hear Christmas in the wind

Lighted windows in the house
Shine out on the midnight world
I turn and look back in the barn
And a chill runs up my arms

Something’s sleeping in the saw
The wind will tell us what we saw
In the wind

Cover photo courtesy of Rick Watson; captured by Wendy Voeller, Wiess Photo Creations.

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Rick Watson

Rick Watson is a 5th generation Anguished Anglo-Saxon Doggerlander who wanders vastly across the spiritual plains of Dakota Land—He is a retired ELCA pastor, retired MSU Lecturer, ND Associate Poet Laureate who still straps on the guitar, writes little essays, and loves to write ballads about our world and sing them for folks.

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