Denver Is Tired of Subsidizing Parking (and why it matters in Minot)

Denver’s housing crisis isn’t about parking—it’s about people. As the city grows, officials are rethinking outdated parking mandates that drive up costs and stall development. By removing these rigid requirements, Denver hopes to make housing more affordable and flexible, allowing developers to build for actual demand rather than arbitrary rules. Other cities have already proven it works. Now, Denver is considering the same shift, recognizing that space for cars shouldn’t take priority over space for people to live.

If you’re wondering why this matters in Minot, start paying attention to all the empty parking spaces you see around town; parking spaces that — about 98% of the time are always empty. We are all paying for those. Everyday. And when zoning regulations subsidize or force development in a certain patter, the negative impacts and costs ripple out through our communities for generations. Strong Towns has the full story on Denver getting smart.

Curio : A new type of content. It's not "news" and it's not "commentary," it may not even be about Minot. But whatever it is, Minot may need it or you may enjoy it!

Strong Towns

This article was sourced from:

Asia Mieleszko, Strong Towns

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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