Cedar Rapids seeks $12 million grant for trails along Cedar River, Is Minot Keeping Up?

Cedar Rapids, Iowa is a bellwether community for Minot. They flooded in 2008 and have been remaking themselves through flood protection and community improvement initiatives ever since. In short, they are a comparison point. And one of the investments they’re consistently making — improving recreational opportunities around the Cedar River.

Most recently, they’re seeking federal funds through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill to create a network of trails along the river. Sound familiar? It should, Grand Forks did the same thing following the 1997 flood and the result is a community asset that is treasured by locals and visitors alike. But where is Minot’s community initiative? Where is our connected trail network? Where is our investment in the recreational, quality of life opportunities along the river? Are seeking funding for our local projects like the Anne Street Bridge that enhance our community? Or are we making excuses and saying “no, it can’t be done?”

It’s a question that’s been asked here often. We’ll continue to ask.

Cedar Rapids Gazette

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unknown, Cedar Rapids Gazette

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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