As North Dakota considers charter schools for the first time, Montana’s experience offers insight. Two public charters in Bozeman and Jefferson County are shutting down after failing to meet enrollment requirements set by the state. Both schools, approved in 2024, struggled to attract enough students to remain financially viable. While Montana has seen 24 charters open in two years, these closures highlight the challenges of sustaining alternative education models.
SB 2241
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new chapter to title 15.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the authorization and administration of public charter schools; and to provide for a legislative management report.
House Sponsors: Bosch (R, District 30), Heinert (R, District 32), Lefor (R, District 37),
Senate Sponsors: Axtman (R, District 7), Hogue (R, District 38), Schaible (R, District 31),