Bismarck mulls offering liquor licenses based on estimated census

The Bismarck City Commission has requested City staff draft ordinance language that would move the City to releasing population-quota liquor licenses based on the annual census estimate rather than the 10-year census. Here’s the quote from City Commissioner Shawn Oban:

“I think if there’s an appetite for increasing competition and allowing more folks to get into the game, we’d be doing that by using estimated (census numbers),” — Shaun Oban, Bismarck City Commission

Minot City Council discussed a similar adjustment a few years back but opted to wait until after the 10-year census is released in 2021 to formally consider the change. Get the full story on this and other changes to liquor licensing ordinance being considered by the Bismarck City Commission from the Bismarck Tribune.

This article was sourced from:

Cheryl McCormack, Bismarck Tribune


Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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