Bismarck Making Plans For Riverfront Amphitheater

It’s more than a decade since Minot went through the River Front & Center planning process. You can read about that with a quick search on Google or the City of Minot’s website. Since then, the community has routinely spoken out positively toward taking advantage of recreational and quality of life opportunities around the Souris River.

Now, it seems Bismarck has taken the hint, and taking steps to better embrace their own river opportunity. One idea in development — an amphitheater on the Missouri. Get the full story on Bismarck’s vision for their river-centric future from KX News.

There’s an implied commentary here, too. Does it sometimes seem like Minot always has to wait until someone else does it first before we capitalize on a good idea?

This article was sourced from:

Christina Randall, KX News


Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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