The ForMinot Network is where locals turn for news, events, and what’s happening in town. Whether you’re looking to build your brand, promote an event, or share an offer, we make it easy to reach real people right here in Minot. With display advertising, job listings, directory listings, and the Today in Minot newsletter, we connect businesses with the people who live, work, and shop here. And we’ve built our entire platform from the bottom up for efficiency and reach. For our advertisers, that means extraordinary return on a modest investment.
Want to get your message in front of Minot? Let’s talk!
Advertising Inquiry

Minot-focused news and commentary and our primary display advertising vehicle. We only accept advertising from in-Minot, fully-vested businesses. Hanging a shingle here sends a message that says Minot is the place your business cares about.
Today in Minot
Our daily newsletter goes out every morning and putts all the day’s content into a periodical like format. It’s designed for our readers, to allow them to stay informed without abusing their time and attention the same way social media does.

Designed exclusively for the unique local business that elevate our quality of life in Minot. Built around “Happenings”, SavorMinot is a self-publishing platform, and if you’re already creating content for social media, adding your latest happenings to SavorMinot will be snap!