I read a news story about some of the February 2025 firings of North Dakotans working for the federal government.
Last summer I attended the 50th anniversary celebration at Knife River Indian Villages, one of the most important National Park Service sites in North Dakota, where visitors learn myriad lessons of the indigenous people of that area of the northern plains. Many NPS employees as well as local volunteers and others attended, including retired NPS Superintendent Gerard Baker. People of all age ranges were there and some were members of the traveling public who just happened to be there that day.
On that day I met Nate Hughes, a ranger whose duty station is (or was until two weeks ago) the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I learned that Ranger Hughes lived in Watford City and commuted to his job at the North Unit. I am furious and heartsick to learn that he is no longer with the NPS. When you are next assisted by a federal employee, I hope you have common sense and gratitude for what they do to keep us safe and enlightened.
Surely we are better than this.