The Flood of 2011… What Did We Learn?

We’re more than three years removed from a very hard summer; life has gotten on with it self. The lessons we learned run the gamut… from hopeful to pessimistic, from tragic to humorous, so we’re asking the question — what did the flood teach you?

Here’s a few to get you started…

  1. Little river, Big valley.  Now we understand why.
  2. Wet things are heavy, move them before they get wet.
  3. Minot is great place to be when times are tough.
  4. If you’ve been working in sewage, beer is appropriate for any break at any time.
  5. Pick your hill.  A person divided will spend all day on the bypass.
  6. We should all stop buying so much crap; we shouldn’t get too attached to our crap; we should periodically clean out all our crap.


Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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