Port: North Dakota Senate refuses to record votes on same-sex marriage resolution

HCR 3013 is dead, but the real story is how it went down. As Rob Port points out, the North Dakota Senate voted on one of the year’s most contentious issues—without a recorded roll call. Lawmakers had the chance to go on the record, but most chose to keep their votes in the dark. Whether it was fear, strategy, or something else, the result is the same: the public was left in the dark on an issue that deserved full transparency.

HCR 3013

A concurrent resolution urging the United States Supreme Court to restore the definition of marriage to a union between one man and one woman.

House Sponsors: Tveit (R, District 33), K. Anderson (R, District 19), Henderson (R, District 15), Hoverson (R, District 3), Morton (R, District 46), S. Olson (R, District 8), Rohr (R, District 31),

Senate Sponsors: Clemens (R, District 16), Enget (R, District 2), Lemm (R, District 20), Magrum (R, District 8), Weston (R, District 15),


This article was sourced from:

Rob Port, InForum

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Josh Wolsky

Developer & Writer @TheMinot Voice, Fan of the Souris River, SavorMinot Advocate. Fortunate to be a 'former' City Council member ;)

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