Sports: A Letter From an Anonymous Coach
Today I heard a comment made about me behind my back. I started to turn around and look, but then decided better of it and kept my eyes on the field.
Read & ShareToday I heard a comment made about me behind my back. I started to turn around and look, but then decided better of it and kept my eyes on the field.
Read & ShareNew regulations handed down by the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers are set to make life a little more burocratic for farmers and ranchers. And for one North Dakota farmer-attorney, that means getting more things in writing so he’s covered legally.
Read & Share sourced from: AGWEEKThe temperature in the Perkett gym at Tuesday’s flood protection design open house was hot — literally. Figuratively, the atmosphere hung with anger, apathy, and desperation. If you caught the Minot Voice coverage yesterday, you got the matter-of-fact version of the night. The engineering teams that are moving our long-term flood protection forward needed to
Read & ShareThe Souris River gauge at Sherwood is in jeopardy because of erosion. Discussion about what to do about is taking place. Commentary: Minot should find a way to contribute to saving this station and the 80 years of data we’ve collected from it.
Read & Share sourced from: KX NewsEach July I promise myself to fish more the rest of the summer. It’s usually because I’m wondering where the first month of summer went and I realize I haven’t gotten out as much as intended … thus far. I do know I’ve never made it to fall freeze-up and said I’ve spent way too
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July 1 is Canada day, the Canadian version of the Fourth of July. And because the rest of our country thinks we’re Canadian already, it seemed appropriate to tip our hat and acknowledge our northerly neighbors. In honor, here’s some commentary on Canada from Quartz.
Read & Share sourced from: QuartzLife in El Salvador is pretty terrible right now. If you need a reminder of why you should consider yourself lucky to be living in Minot, ND in 2015, read this article.
Read & Share sourced from: QuartzA new R&D arm of Google is looking bring the latest Wi-Fi technology to city streets. Considering the communication benefits, the disaster resiliency planning that is now taking place, and the fact that downtown Minot is getting an infrastructure overhaul — should Minot reach out?
Read & Share sourced from: Science AlertThe following was written by Carolyn Moore and reprinted with permission from June 22, 2011—12:57pm I’m sitting on my mother-in-law’s couch, gazing out the window at the lush green of North Dakota’s countryside in full bloom. It’s the kind of day we relish in Minot; hot summer sun is fleeting in the northern plains,
Read & ShareThe Forum editorial board weighs in on North Dakota Farmers Union’s action to put anti-corporate farming law on the ballot. Their take, agriculture production has changed and the law ND Farmers Union wants passed will not be a savior for small towns.
Read & Share sourced from: AGWEEKIt will be a long time before flooding isn’t in the Minot news towards the end of June, but this year there were a few more reasons than simply the time of year. The four-year anniversary was marked by a couple stories you should know about. First of all, the Souris River Joint Board met
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Get the story and commentary on a summer lunch program with good intentions that may need oversight. Some are concerned that increased numbers are coming from serving those not qualified and that those same numbers will be used to justify the program in the future.
Read & ShareTo some, the Confederate flag is a proud symbol of southern pride. To others, it is a disgraceful symbol of slavery. It is hard to view it with a patriotic eye. Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia all committed treason in 1861 by seceding from the USA.
Read & ShareMike Rowe again provides thoughtful commentary on Amercian culture and he’s not take some heat for what he says. And occasionally he takes heat because the ideologues don’t know how to read an entire article. Here he chimes in on the only-read-the-title and other Internet crazies while providing some valuable perspective on the changing American work ethic.
Read & ShareHow do you know when something is news and a no brainer? When Heidi Heitkamp and Rob Port are on the same side of an issue.
Read & Share sourced from: Say Anything Blog.comWe all know the immigration system is broken. And the media and politicians like to score points on illegal immigration, but if we’re going to fix the problem, we need to first fix legal immigration. Here’s one guy’s personal experience with the problem.
Read & Share sourced from: Vox