Thank God North Dakota Politicians are 100% Honest!

Former New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran has recently pled guilty to two felonies that would not have been detected and arguably not a crime if she had been an elected state official or legislator in North Dakota.Her crimes were that she admitted using campaign contributions for her personal use. In addition to having

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Editorial: It’s Time to Rewrite Minot’s Liquor License Laws

Last Wednesday, December 2nd, members of the Liquor and Gaming Committee were tasked with the sanctioning a Minot business that was out of compliance with the law. Sidekicks bar is operating under a Motel License but is admittedly no longer connected to the motel on the site. This was just one example of several areas in which the business was out of compliance.

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Why Aren’t We All Environmentalists?

For those of you Republican readers -- and on many issues I count myself among you -- here’s your warning: I’m about to challenge the party’s position and the way many of us think about the environment.

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A Small Town Cultural Renaissance Through Craft Beer?

What you’re about to read is an argument for change. It’s an argument for changing an entrenched mindset. It’s an argument for changing an entrenched business model. And it’s an argument for changing some seriously entrenched laws. Most importantly, it’s an argument about beer. But before I get to the actual arguing, I’d like to

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The Insults of Candidacy and Fortunes in a Moniker

I just can’t help myself. I’m hooked on watching Presidential “debates”. The devil in me really enjoys opponents being labeled with epithets such as “dumb”, “boring”, “stupid”, “sweaty” (my favorite), etc. Actually, these insults are pretty mild compared to John Quincy Adams having been called a “hermaphrodite” and Abraham Lincoln having been called a “baboon”

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Save the Valley: A Minot Flood Protection Game

In the spirit of starting the discussion on the City of Minot’s Phase II National Disaster Resiliency Competition application, here’s another idea that might make Minot a bit more disaster resilient. Part of being a flood resilient community is understanding the dynamic forces that funnel water through our town. There is a big river basin

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Idea for Minot: Let Us Never Forget 2011

The City of Minot is close to wrapping up its Phase II National Disaster Resilience Competition application. The goal: show contest judges Minot has a solid action plan to make our community more resilient to the impacts of flooding. There will be public meetings and the opportunity for you to comment on the application in

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The Train Station Road is an Embarrassment for Minot

I do not live in Minot but, I work here. I try to keep up with everything that is going on in the Magic City but, I am by no means “in the know.” Having disclosed that, I am wondering if anyone has driven by the train station lately? I ask this because due to

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#City Council Reform: Don’t Let Perfect Interfere with Good

Let’s cut right to the chase. I think the petition to reduce the number of alderman on the Minot City Council is a great idea. Over the course of my adult lifetime, I have lived in Fargo-Moorhead, Grand Forks and Bismarck, in addition to being a long-time resident of Minot. Fargo, Grand Forks and Bismarck

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City Council Reform: A Response to Alderman Seymour

The oldest play in the political handbook is stoke fear and create doubt. To that end, Aldermen Seymour’s recent letter in The Minot Daily was masterful. Unfortunately for Minot and the democratic process, most of it simply wasn’t true. As a member of #MakeMinot, the group behind this initiative, I’d like to set the record

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The Legal Foundation for Minot’s City Council, Can You Find It?

In my investigation into how Minot does municipal government, I uncovered an interesting and possibly even disturbing fact. Nowhere in Minot’s easily accessible governing documents, i.e., our home rule charter, and our published code of ordinances, is there any written, legal foundation for our present Ward-based system or the establishment of 14 Alderman. It’s not

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Full Disclosure: City Council Reform, #MakeMinot, and Some Seriously Biased Reporting

If you’ve been with The Minot Voice since the beginning,  you know one of the issues I’m passionate about and believe in is City Council reform. When you look back over the last few years and discover that only 6 of the last 25 ‘elections’ for City Council seats have been contested, you’d be crazy

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Bismarck Delays New Fire Hall for Engines, Burn Building

Commentary: hard choices are being made by the Bismarck City Commission. Minot’s budget process is upcoming.

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Almost 8 inches of Rain Floods Parts of Sioux Falls

Everyone who has lived on the prairie longer than a season understands how volatile the weather is — we are a place of extremes. Sioux Falls recently got a reminder that should also serve to spur the urgency behind Minot’s flood protection plan. We’ve dodged bullets like this a few times since the flood of

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Before You Watch a Tragic, Graphic News Video, Ask Who Wants You to See It, and Why

In today’s frenzied news and media culture, we each bear the responsibility of being conscientious news consumers. Until we are, we’ll continue to feed whatever disease is responsible for yesterday’s tragic events and the sensationalism that followed. Read the full commentary provided by Mr. Lichfield on Quartz.

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Four Ways North Dakota Can Improve Open Records/Open Meetings Laws

An ardent supporter of open records and meeting reform, Mr. Port has been asked to serve on a task force that will address the issue. In this commentary, he outlines four critical steps necessary to making our governments more open, transparent, and accessible.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything