It’s Time to Think About Living in Parking Garages

The next twenty years are going bring forth dramatic changes to the way we live our lives. Of most note is the likely diminished role private vehicle ownership will have. This commentary from Wired challenges us to start thinking about the way we design our communities as a result of these inevitable transitions.

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Commentary: It’s time for a full accounting on Minot’s parking garages

Work is finally getting underway on the exteriors of Minot’s downtown parking garages. The City-hired contractor wasted no time getting to it, and it’s a welcome sign of progress. If you hadn’t heard, it’s going to cost the City approximately $573,000 because the original contract and drawings didn’t include the work. City Council was the

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Reckoning at Standing Rock: A 240-Year Perspective

For most of us with an experiential perspective on history, the protests at Stand Rock are about a pipeline. But if we remove ourselves to the heights of a many-generations view, there’s a lot more going on. Writing for High Country News, Paul VandeVelder attempts to give us that perspective. Settle in with this one,

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This election just jumped the shark

I have to admit it, I’ve been hooked on the show American Politics for a couple seasons now, but in the lead up to our mid-season finale, I think the writers just took this thing too far. Really? Introducing Anthony Weiner again? If you’re having trouble laughing at our devolution, maybe this lighter-side commentary will

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Professor: UND’s mission change needs Legislature’s review

UND’s President Mark Kennedy has been on the job for only a few months, but he’s already moving to leave his mark. Up for debate is the core mission, and according to one professor, the President is inappropriately narrowing the focus of the UND’s primary purposes.

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In Defense of Choosing “None of the Above”

The Fargo Forum editorial board made the unusual choice of not endorsing a presidential candidate. And in defense of that position, Rob Port at Say Anything Blog defends that choice as rational thinking in this unfortunate election cycle.

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10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings

Maria Popova blogs prolifically on the nature of a life well lived. She’s been doing it for ten years and has a following that numbers in the millions. And over the course of those years, she’s collected a list of ideas that make up that well-lived life. Check it out on her blog.  

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The Candidate I Oppose…

The candidate I oppose is a terrible candidate and represents everything I think is wrong with this country. Don’t get me wrong; I don’t trust much of what I hear in the news anymore, but if half the crap I’ve heard about the candidate I oppose over my lifetime is true, then I don’t understand

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It’s Time for Candidate Burgum to Start Getting Specific

George Orwell once wrote, “Political language, and with variations this is true of all parties………is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” This was written in the 1940s. Was he wrong or did he have the power of facing unpleasant facts? On the

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The Cost of Independence

As we gathered to celebrate Independence Day 2016, I spent spending some time thinking about the price of independence for people with disabilities. It can be really hard to put a quantifiable number on how much people with disabilities who live independently in the community save society, because you often time find yourself trying to

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Commentary: Something Suspicious is Going On With Our Beloved Pizza Corner Pizzas

Pizza Corner pizza has been a North Dakota favorite for a long time. And the previously-Valley-City owned business was recently sold to a Minnesota-base distributor. But for one pizza connoisseur, the transition isn’t tasting perfectly smooth.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bright Above Fargo

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Flood Therapy: Tell us all the ways in which the water displeased you

Yesterday, the City and local officials commemorated the 5-year anniversary of the sounding of the sirens. Back in 2011, those sirens signaled the start of the flood. Their sound lasted only a few minutes; the water stayed for weeks. And the ripples of its effect will be bouncing around Minot for decades to come. There’s

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OPINON: Calling Minot’s Elected Leaders & Shane Goettle, Where Are You?

It was back in May that the City re-upped with our lobbyist in Bismarck, Shane Goettle. The two-year contract we gave him is no small sum. It’s worth $3,500 per month when the legislature is not in session and $7,500 per month when it is. Over the two-year life of the contract, the City of

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Tuesday Voters Call for #Change in North Dakota and Minot

The Tuesday, June 14, 2016 election was a gut shot for several “establishments” in North Dakota. The establishment of the Republican legislative super-majority took it in the shorts from the voters who crushed the corporate farming bill. One of the legislators who had sponsored the corporate farming bill complained to the media about the “lies” of

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Editorial: A ‘Yes’ Vote on Tuesday is the Best Choice for Minot

On Tuesday, we’re all charged with offering our vote on an important decision for Minot’s future. City Council reform has been the topic of local conversations for the past ten months. And many have argued the question we’re answering Tuesday is really a choice between Wards and an at-large system.That’s probably true. Most have accepted

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Cincinnati Street Art Scene a Gold Mine of Ideas for Minot

The Minot Street Art Movement is just finding its legs, and in a few weekends this spring, volunteers associated with the project have made a dramatic impact on downtown Minot. If you haven’t checked out the alley just East of Main street, do yourself a favor and take a downtown stroll. And while you’re admiring

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