Facebook Shouldn’t Bother Policing Fake News—It Should Go Local Instead

Whatever your place on the political spectrum — left, right, or indifferent — we can almost all agree that the national news is broken. Facebook is trying to ‘fix’ the news by eliminating fake news, but there are a few of us making the argument that we should begin focusing our attention inward — locally.

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Commentary: Feeding cows memorable in so many ways

Writer, singer, and McKenzie County rancher Jesse Veeder shares her thoughts on the ritual of feeding cows as both a daily chore and a sign of the season. And also as a job that needs to be done no matter what else we also have to do. Read it this week with The Grand Forks Herald.

Read & Share   sourced from: Grand Forks Herald

Opinion: Down With Initiated Measures, Because All American Policymaking Should Be Subject to Checks and Balances

Rob Port makes the argument that no form of law making should be without some type of check and balance, and maybe our statewide initiated measure process is in need of some revision.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything Blog.com

Lawmakers Should Make Regular Public Input a Requirement at Public Meetings

Rob Port makes the argument that North Dakota legislators would do well to put some intentional, explicit places for public input within the governing process. He doesn’t think it has to be all the time or at every meeting, but there should be opportunities codified in law.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything Blog.com

What.cd is gone: A eulogy for the greatest music collection in the world

Alas, what.cd, I never knew you. Described as the modern era’s musical Library of Alexandria, what.cd was a repository of all the world’s music. And now it’s gone. This is worth a read in the hopes that we might find a way to prevent history from repeating itself at some point in the future.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

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The Politics of Hope: Donald Trump as an Entrepreneur of Identity

If you’re still among the camp wondering how Donald Trump won the presidency,this analysis was written from scientific and clinical perspective months before the election and it keys on the messages and experiences with his campaign that resonated with so many voters.

Read & Share   sourced from: Scientific American

Election Perspective: Racist sign left at MSU Moorhead dorm

MSU Moorhead is investigating an ugly incident involving overt racism. Is this part of the Trump-effect? Did Mr. Trump’s campaign and election embolden those among us who are actually racist, who are actually deplorable? If so, we are all going to have to set an example making it clear that this behavior is not acceptable.

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Election Perspective: Watch Dave Chappelle’s SNL Stand-Up Monologue

  Here in North Dakota, everyone knew who was going to win our state and everyone knew why — Hillary Clinton represented policies that were bad for our state on many different fronts. For us, she was a non-starter because of the issues that matter here. But for many across the country, it was exactly

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Election Perspective: Mike Rowe Weights In…

Mike Rowe earned his place in the American lexicon by spending a day doing the jobs that few among us choose to do. Since he left television, he’s maintained the reputation he earned there by fighting for workers and the need to train people into the trades. He’s also developed a significant following on Facebook

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Election Perspective: The Story of the Chinese Farmer

Are you overjoyed at the results of the election? Or perhaps you’re devastated and lost? In either case, the story of the Chinese farmer is probably worth a listen. The film was animated by Steve Agnos.

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Commentary: A Mothers Perspective on Elections, From Before the Results Were In

The campaign, the election, and now the following days have left many with an uneasy feeling about the state of our country. But for Jesse Veeder, a Mckenzie County writer, rancher, and song writer, the noise of election night was drown out by higher priorities and more important things.

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum

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The Grand Forks Model: City emails show quick response in Alerus Center suspensions

Last month, the City of Grand Forks placed two Alerus Center employees on suspension following allegations of workplace hostility. Now, following an open records request by the Grand Forks Herald, there is evidence as to how proactively the City responded to the allegations; it was the same day. Per the Herald article by Sam Easter, here’s the

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Need Some Perspective? Watch Carl Sagan’s ‘Pale Blue Dot’

We’re all in this thing together, and no one gets out alive. Two stark messages to consider in the aftermath of whatever that was we all just collectively went through. And on the day after, it makes sense to gather a bit of perspective. Watch below one that comes from viewing this circus from a

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News & Commentary: Will Minot Open for New Business? Liquor License Quotas Up For Discussion

It’s taken a few months to gather up the supporting information, but the discussion on Minot’s liquor license laws and the quota system which restricts the number of businesses that can sell alcohol is a set to start tomorrow. The ad hoc committee appointed by Mayor Barney is tasked with looking at our laws to

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Survey: How Will You Spend Election Night?

Just think, 20 years from now we’ll all be able to look back on the 2016 election and tell youngsters all about what politics used to be like. And if this is the election for the ages, then we want to know how you’re going to spend it. And hey, if you can’t laugh, you

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A New Take on Anonymous Speech and When it’s Appropriate

TED is teaming up with Audible to deliver a series on ideas that need an audience — even if the presenter wishes to remain anonymous. This idea might be particularly valuable in a small town like Minot where we as individuals often self-censor our opinions out of fear of social, business, or professional reprisal.

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED