FBI to review more emails related to Clinton’s private email use

In yet another October surprise, the Clinton campaign is on their heals after FBI Director James Comey informed members of Congress that additional review of the Clinton email investigation would take place following the discovery of new emails on a laptop belonging to Anthony Wiener.

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Sheriff in Wisconsin pulls deputies back from North Dakota pipeline deployment

Sheriff Deputies from Wisconsin in North Dakota to support local law enforcement in the Dakota Access protests have been pulled home. After talking with “a wide cross-section of the community who all share the opinion that our deputies should not be involved in this situation,” Sheriff Dave Mahoney said.

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Kenmare celebrates 28 years of Goose Fest

A gathering to celebrate the annual goose migration and all the fun that comes with the goose hunt is in its 28th year. Make your way up for a chance to win prizes, taste the chili in the cookoff, and take part in shooting events.

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Minot-native Josh Duhamel inducted into Minot State University Hall of Fame

Minot native and actor Josh Duhamel was recently inducted into the Minot State University Hall of Fame. Duhamel was a member of the MSU football team for several seasons.

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Farmers Especially: Watch Out for This Weed

The North Dakota Department of Agriculture and North Dakota State University Extension Service advise farmers to scout new conservation plantings for Palmer amaranth, a very aggressive weed that has plagued cropland production in the South and Midwest. Palmer amaranth is a type of pigweed that has devastated crops in many states. In some areas, herbicide

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After A Long Day Of Fighting Climate Change, This Grain Is Ready For A Beer

What does the future of grain production look like? One research institute in Kansas is selectively breeding a type of perennial wheat to enhance the food production qualities. It’s called Kernza, and When successful, it means no plowing and no planting. It will grow back each spring after harvest. Image: courtesy of The Land Insitute

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Standing Rock Struggling with Winter Protest Camp Logistics, Economic Losses

The economics and logistics of maintaining a 1,000 person protest camp near Cannon Ball are daunting. Members of the Standing Rock tribe discussed the issues Thursday including the loss of a $1,000,000 in revenue at Prairie Knights Casino due to access difficulty for patrons.

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#NoDAPL Protester Arrested for Firing a Weapon at Police

A #NoDAPL protestor was arrested yesterday for pulling a revolver and firing it at police officers at the scene. No one was injured in this incident, but there was another firearms incident with an injury not involving law enforcement. All told, there were more than 130 arrests yesterday. Rob Port has the story.

Read & Share   sourced from: Say Anything Blog.com

‘This is Spinal Tap’ Star and Writer Taking Studio to Court over Royalties

It may be the movie that created the ‘mockumentary’ genre. It also went all the way to eleven. The movie was so successful that you’d assume that as a writer and star, Harry Shearer would have made some money off it over the last 32 years. Technically, you’d be right — he’s been paid $179 dollars.

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ND student scores rank in top five in national science exam

North Dakota fourth and eighth graders scored in the top five when compared to other states in a national science exam. Comprehensive statistics can be viewed by visiting the National Center for Education Statistics website: https://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/.

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Fargo Diversion Authority expects to avoid courts in conflict with DNR

The Fargo flood protection plan hit a big road block earlier this month when the Minnesota DNR refused to permit the project. In reaction, those hoping to advance the permit have chosen negotiation and informing as opposed to moving the issue into the courts. Here in Minot we should count ourselves lucky that there is

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New tuition plan aiming to attract out-of-state students could cost NDSU $3.3 million

The State Board of Higher Education is trying to attract more out-of-state students. The goal: turning some of those students into workers when they’re finished with school. The impact on revenues — at NDSU the program is estimated to reduce income by $3.3 million.

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Heart-rate data helps UND hockey coaches learn more about players

UND Hockey is going high tech with its data gathering. One of the new metrics coaches are using — heart rate data of the players. The information informs coaches on how hard the players are working and how quickly they’re able to recover.

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The Man Who Shed Light On Why College Keeps Getting More Expensive

The cost of higher education has been rising sharply over the past two decades, and there are many ideas as to why and probably more than a few factors contributing. In terms of economics, education is an interesting study, and this article from NPR highlights some of the challenges.

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The single most important pitfall to avoid with legalizing marijuana

As North Dakota approaches our first statewide vote on the issue of legalizing Marijuana in any form, it’s going to be important that we learn from those states that have gone before us. There are lessons available, and this article from Quartz outlines a valuable one.

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#NoDAPL: Communication Between Law Enforcement and Protesters Breaks Down

The protesters have told Morton County law enforcement officials that they’ve drawn their line. A new camp on private landed owned by Dakota Access LLC was established Sunday, but the protesters claim it for the Sioux people and say they’re not leaving.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune