Leaner and meaner: US shale greater threat to OPEC after oil price war

With news that OPEC has an agreement with member countries and Russia to reduce output, the conversation in North Dakota will shift to how did we come through this down cycle in the industry? And a couple reporters from Reuters have the start of the answer. It may turn out that the OPEC attempt to

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Coyotes are ‘here to stay’ in North Dakota

Brad Dokken with the Grand Forks Herald digs into the full story on one of our canine neighbors. The Coyote was not always a predominant species on the prairie, but farm policy in the 1980s created habitat they like and the population responded accordingly.

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City of Minot Declares Snow Emergency, Remove Vehicles from Streets

Get your vehicles off the streets, especially the ones that are designated as snow emergency routes. The full news release from the City of Minot follows below The City of Minot has declared a snow removal emergency for city snow routes. This declaration prohibits all vehicles from parking on streets marked as “Emergency Snow Routes”

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Grand Forks: Transportation survey could make case for Uber, Lyft in Grand Forks

Grand Forks is going to consider allowing app-driven ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft into town, but first they’re going to gather data from the citizens — and specifically UND students — to see if they can determine how people are getting around town. Check out the full article to see how the City

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Oil up sharply as OPEC finalizes first output cut since 2008

The glut in world oil supply, which in turn led to the price of oil plummeting since mid-2014, may be behind us. OPEC, a cartel of loosely organized countries with a direct interest in maintaining higher oil prices has a tentative agreement that includes Russia to curb production. Speculation on oil futures responded quickly to

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Winnipeg: Warm weather, increased tourism boost food and drink spending

Food and drink spending is proving to be a boon for the Canadian economy, and in our neighboring province of Manitoba, spending and growth is particularly strong. In the month of September, Manitobans spent $167 million on dining and drinking out, that was up 2.2% from the year previous. Commentary: it’s a story relevant to

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Congressman Cramer Appointed Republican Steering Committee

Congressman Cramer will sit on the Republican Steering Committee. The full news release from his office follows below, but the position will allow our North Dakota Congressman to have a larger voice in shaping the legislative agenda. — Official News Release, Congressman Cramer — Congressman Kevin Cramer was elevated to an influential committee in the

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Old recipes, new flavors: Cookbook author, food blogger blends diverse cultures

What do you get if you take a woman with a big city upbringing, a diverse ethnic background, and a love for food and you put her on a farm in Northern Minnesota? The answer: a food blogger and a cookbook that blends the traditional foods of Minnesota and North Dakota with a new set

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Life Online: Cybersecurity report sent to governor

The State of North Dakota is taking steps to protect itself from cyber threats. A report issued by an interim cybersecurity task force has outlined ten recommendations for the state. of most note is the need for the state to act in whole to protect data rather than having individual agencies working to guard their

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Two Fargo teachers get in-depth training on Holocaust education

Two Fargo teachers have decided to dig in deeper with their instruction on the Holocaust. Through a program with the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and a local lecture series, Ashlee Cournia and Jacob Kienzle — both middle school teachers — have got specialized training in how to teach the difficult subject. The goal: make sure we do

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#NoDAPL: Governor orders evacuation of protest site, but no forcible removals planned

William Yardley of the L.A. Times gets the story right, and his editor got the headline right too. Not all national media and journalism is biased and this is a great example. Read the full article for yesterday’s developments in the #NoDAPL fiasco by following the ‘source’ link above.

Read & Share   sourced from: Los Angeles Times

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While One Tribe Fights Oil, Another Cautiously Embraces It

While one tribe fights relentlessly against the pipline, another stands to gain tremendously from it and the quick path to market for the oil produced there. The MHA Nation finds itself in a unique position in the debate over the Dakota Access Pipeline; Amy Sisk with Inside Energy has the story.

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ELCA and Western North Dakota Synod Weigh in on #NoDAPL Protest

At its core, most simple level, the #NoDAPL protest is about a pipeline. But one of the reasons it has garnered so much support — especially nationally — is because the situation is viewed as an opportunity to right past wrongs, or at least an opportunity to learn from those past wrongs and do better

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Life in #NoDAPL Camp: Tensions exist among protesters with different agendas

The first in today’s news feed stories about life in the #NoDAPL protest camps. Rob Port with Say Anything Blog provides some perspective on tensions among protesters with genuine motives for the Tribe and those that have picked up the effort as their cause of the day. Mr. Port’s description of the situation is considerably

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How The Dakota Pipeline Fight Is Digging in For a Brutal Winter

Whatever your thoughts on the protest taking place over the Dakota Access pipeline, the reality is a large number of protesters have stated they’re going to tough it out through the North Dakota winter. And it has officially arrived. The past few weeks, many members of the camps were busy with fortifying themselves and the

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Hate crimes on the rise? A complete guide to the data

Since the election, there have been numerous incidents of hate crimes and race-based invective in the news. But are these incidents on the rise? Anecdotally, it sure seems that way but it is a difficult question to answer definitively because there is relatively little data available to researchers.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz