Drug Arrests on the rise, but experts say opioid crisis is everyone’s battle

Communities in the Eastern part of the state are already acting aggressively, and at last night’s City Council meeting, Mayor Barney was asked publicly to get Minot’s efforts moving. He is. But here’s the bottom line: the fight against drug addiction — particularly dangerous new opioids is already taking place on North Dakota streets. This

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ND could be especially affected by self-driving cars

A report from the Center for Global Policy Solutions suggests North Dakota’s economy and workers have a better chance of being disrupted by the adoption of self-driving cars. Car manufacturers and technology companies alike are in a race to get to the market first, and the cultural impacts of adopting this technology will be as transformative as

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Grand Forks bike-share program could be rolling by fall

Following in Fargo’s footsteps, a coalition of Grand Forks leaders are developing plans for a bike-share program. If you don’t know, bike-share programs create bike-renting stations at different points in a community allowing users to grab a bike from one location, ride it, and then return it at another location. Fargo started their program in

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Gordmans will stay open in Minot and other ND Cities

Gordmans filed for bankruptcy protection in March, and as that process moves forward we’re learning more about the future of the store. Now, Forum News Services is reporting that four North Dakota stores, including the one in Minot, will stay open. Houston-based retailer, Stage Stores, acquired the properties and will continue operating them and other

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Growing Together: Options for healthy lawns with fewer chemicals

As North Dakota transitions from snow removal to lawn care, the quest for the greenest, weed-free lawn will begin. At least for some. And if you’re interested in how to accomplish the task with fewer chemicals, Don Kinzler writing for the Grand Forks Herald can scratch your itch. And the best part, he provides his

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Enbridge, Minnesota fail to reach settlement in pipeline tax dispute

Enbridge has a hard time getting pipeline projects approved in Minnesota, but they now contend their existing pipeline properties have been overvalued by the Department of Revenue. The matter has been in mediation, but it now appears Enbridge will seek resolution through the court system. At stake: tens of millions in previously collected property taxes

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Montana Senate passes broadband internet privacy measure

It now seems plausible that with the federal repeal of Internet privacy restrictions on Internet service providers (ISP), we’ll end up with a hodge-podge of state enacted privacy laws. The Montana Senate passed a law barring ISPs the ability to bid on state contracts if they collect customer data without consent. Other states are considering

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North Dakota House committee approves medical marijuana bill

The medical marijuana bill that rewrites the ballot-measure initiative continues to progress through the legislature. It passed out of House committee recently and will be on the House flood next where it will need a 2/3 vote. John Hageman with the Grand Forks Herald has the details on the next steps and changes.

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MAGIC Fund Skyscopes Request Details.

The Minot Area Development Corporation has brought a request through the MAGIC Fund Screening Committee that will be before City Council tonight. I’ve been looking into the request for the past week or so, and have written some commentary on it which you can read here. But the details of the request are best left

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Proposed River Trail in MN Aims to Connect Multiple Communities

The idea has a name; it’s called the Crow River Regional Trail. The goal is to connect 10 different communities with a common thread — a recreational path along a river that passes through all them. Sounds like something that may interest @sourisfriends — otherwise knowns as the Friends of the Souris River.

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The Smart Farm: Big ag uses technology to grow production and efficiency

As much as we hope the oil field comes back to life, North Dakota’s primary industry will always be agriculturally based. Which makes advances in technology that make our farm businesses more efficient newsworthy. Kevin Killough with the Grand Forks Herald has an overview article with the current state of farm tech.

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At Mayo, pioneering steps in treating paralyzed patients

Medical technology is advancing in amazing ways, and few are more significant than taking previously paralyzed people and giving them hope of walking again. It’s happening; the Star Tribune has the story on research that’s taking place at the Mayo Clinic.

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Simple oil field invention could save lives

A Watford City welder with a good idea that makes the oil-field safer is taking his idea to an Innovation and Energy competition sponsored by Tioga’s Economic Development arm. But the idea is already in production and orders are coming in. Check out the story on the Bismarck Tribune.

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Seeds planted to preserve Bismarck’s Historic railroad bridge

The railroad bridge over the Missouri River in Bismarck has a 134-year history, and as BNSF considers replacing it, one Bismarck man is pushing the conversation about putting the bridge into pedestrian service with parks at each end once the railroad is done with it. It’s a relevant conversation to Minot as we prepare to

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Downtown love: Devils Lake business owners look to new ideas for boosting shopping, foot traffic in city’s center

The struggle to bring life back to North Dakota’s downtown commerce areas continues. This article from the Grand Forks Herald highlights the efforts that a group of business owners in Devils Lake is taking to create foot traffic.

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Short Trapping Season for Otter likely in N.D.

North Dakota Game and Fish are taking comments on allowing a short season for otter trapping. Brad Dokken writing at the Dickinson Press has the story.

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press