After Hurricane Power Outages, Looking To Alaska’s Microgrids For A Better Way

If there’s anything we’ve learned from this year’s hurricane’s, it’s a lesson on the vulnerability of our power grid. How do we make ourselves more resilient? Perhaps a look north will provide the answer as Alaska’s isolated communities develop blueprints for sustainable, locally generated power infrastructure. It’s a relevant topic for North Dakota because as

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Minot’s Hobbyist Model Airplane and UAS Pilots Find Growing Interest

There’s little doubt that the UAS industry is growing and full of potential, but where do people in the business get there start? In all likelihood, it’s on their own, through a friend, or perhaps through a grassroots group of like-minded enthusiasts. And it turns out, Minot has just such a community.

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A 17-pound walleye is swimming in Lake Sakakawea

Every spring Game and Fish wardens trap fish on Lake Sakakawea and harvest their eggs for the fish hatchery. This year, trapped in those nets was a behemoth walleye. Mike McFeely writes of the tale that’s documented with pictures.

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Help Grand Forks streets pass ‘Coffee Cup Test’

Grand Forks Mayor Mike Brown has taken up the general mission of ‘doing it better’, and one of the first places he’s starting is on the roads in Grand Forks. And an accidentally created litmus test is his newest tool. It’s one part of a larger commentary where Mayor Brown provides a little direct communication

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An arcane American law protected by powerful interests is causing insane traffic jams

What does a hundred-year-old law that forces goods transported between American ports to use American-made ships have to do with traffic and L.A. and possibly our economy in North Dakota? Erik Olson asks the question (about the Traffic in L.A. part) and provides the analysis of the trickle down regulatory effect and the unintended consequences. This

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Pickle beer and Red Bull slushies among new brews at Minnesota State Fair

The 2017 North Dakota State Fair is in the books, and at first blush, the numbers seem pretty good; attendance was up nearly six thousand visitors compared to last year. But in order to stay competitive, we should always be looking around at how others are doing the ‘fair’ game. One stark difference between Minnesota’s

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Drug experts see confluence of factors behind opioid crisis

In Minot, the Mayor’s Committee on Addiction met this week. When it comes to dealing with the effects of the opioid and larger addiction problem, they’re going to divide and hopefully conquer. They’ll be splitting into several sub-committees to deal with different arms of the larger animal. It’s important work, but the method also invites

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Optimistic investors pumping $75 million into meatless burgers

There are two companies chasing the concept of the meatless burger, and before you dismiss the idea with some picture of a bean patty or veggie burger, the goal is a burger that looks and tastes like real beef, and they’re closer than you realize. It may seem far-fetched or impossible, but the impacts on ranchers

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The Gulf Of Mexico’s Dead Zone Is The Biggest Ever Seen

When agricultural producers use too much fertilizer, the surplus that isn’t absorbed into the land and plants runs off into the water shed. When it gets to the end of the downstream line, it dumps into the ocean or a lake. In North Dakota’s case, one of those end-of-the-line watershed deposits is the Gulf of Mexico.

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EPA chief to discuss water regulations during visit to state

Scott Pruitt, the EPA’s top administrator, will be visiting North Dakota next week, and the Waters of the U.S. rule making is expected to be a hot topic of conversation. Between agricultural and energy industries and our cultural disposition toward property rights, environmental regulations and rules have big impacts on North Dakota, and it sounds

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North Dakota initiated measure study commission holds first meeting

The process by which North Dakota citizens and organizations bring issues to the ballot for consideration is going up for a review. The initiated measure process of petition carrying and signature gathering that allows a form of direct citizen legislation has been criticized in recent years. One of the arguments against, issues like the recently

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State sees lots of interest in business side of medical marijuana industry

The response could be described as a lot of interest. Earlier in July, the ND Department of Health asked for a letter of intent for parties interested in participating in the business side of the state’s medical marijuana industry. That request drew letters from 97 different parties. The formal application process is expected to open

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Regina to Estevan Passing lanes draw criticism from committees

Our Canadian neighbors have been discussing a dramatic improvement to the road that connects Estevan to Regina. In Canada, the improvement is call twinning, here in the states, we’d call it four-laning. Whatever the language, and improvement to the road would solidify Minot’s position on an important trade corridor. But it seems the Canadians are

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Fires are torching Montana, and the money is running out

As the rain thankfully falls, there will be a small reprieve from the fire concerns. But single storm won’t right the rain deficit, and the fire threat is likely to remain through the fall. In Montana, where they’ve been fighting fires all summer, the resources are dwindling. Matt Volz with the Associated Press has the

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White House commission recommends president declare a national emergency over the deadly opioid epidemic

The opioid epidemic that’s been discussed so heavily here in Minot is not just a local problem, it extends far beyond North Dakota’s borders. And a White House Commission on the opioid epidemic is now recommending the President declare a national emergency with regards to the issue. Locally, the Mayor’s committee on addiction will meet

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Survey suggests more growth ahead for Midwest economy

A Creighton University economic indicator survey suggests the Midwest economy may be turning a corner. The Bismarck Tribune has the story.

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