SRJB Proposes Fast-Track Flood Protection Funding Schedule

On a billion-dollar project that’s taking many years to complete, the faster you build it, the more you save. It’s because inflation raises the cost with every day and delay. That’s the premise of the SRJB’s approach to the upcoming legislative session where they’ll work on our behalf to secure regular, reliable funding from the

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Cedar Rapids moving forward with plans to transform greenway along Cedar River

Cedar Rapids is a great comparison community for Minot. It suffered a devastating flood in 2008, and many of the steps they’ve taken, Minot has mirrored. It’s a little like looking into the future. And what’s Cedar Rapids focusing on now? Turning the riverfront into a community asset. They’ve already completed a community gathering space

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Rural town tries innovative solution to child care crisis

If there’s no one to look after the kids, then there’s no one to look after the business. It’s a common story in communities across the country and Minot is no exception. It matters because a lack of child care is a significant choke point on economic development because if businesses can’t find the people

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Tilt Studio is coming to Bismarck and Minot

Dakota Square Mall is getting a new tenant. Tilt Studios is an experiential business built around games and fun that kids and adults can enjoy together. We’re talking arcade games, go-carts, minigolf, laser take, and the like. The Texas-owned business will be opening this month.

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Federal data: Kansas oil spill biggest in Keystone history

Oil pipelines are an energy reality in our place and time. They’re also a source of contention among us. Some say we need them and they’re the safest way to transport oil and energy. Others say the pipelines will leak anyway and that we need to reduce our dependence on the oil and the pipelines.

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North Dakota in the crosshairs of a major winter storm

They said it was coming. At this hour, it hasn’t fully arrived, but based on the latest atmospheric data, it’s only a matter of time before something hits us. These storms are nothing to be taken lightly; they’re also opportunities to see earth’s systems in play as never before. The website has gathered together

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4 Scandinavian Habits For A Healthier Life

The simple facts tell the story, our Scandinavian relatives live longer than we do, at least we compare our current nationalities. But what makes it so? Maybe it’s the friluftsliv. Or could it be the hygge? Maybe their words are just more fun to pronounce and that makes all the difference? With Minot as the

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NDGF: Ice Fishing Preview 2022-2023

Did you know that when the winter is right, nearly 25% of all the fish taken in North Dakota are caught through a hole in the ice? Every week NDGF produces great little videos with nuggets like that. This week’s episode has the latest on how the 2022/23 ice fishing season is shaping up, check

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How wastewater treated in Fargo will help produce soybean meal in Casselton

Can wastewater from our toilets be treated and moved along to serve an industry in North Dakota? The answer is a resounding yes. And in Fargo, the City is going to get paid for it, as well. It’s part of a plan to move treated water to Casselton where it will be used to serve

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Bismarck bridge preservation group denied state hearing, continues

A citizen-led group in Bismarck hoping to save and repurpose the historic rail bridge across the Missouri River was denied a hearing in front of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality. It’s one step in what may be shaping up to be an exhaustive legal process required to remove the bridge. BNSF requires additional permits

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Public art brightens up flood protection in New York

Have you noticed Minot has a flood protection project going up? Have you noticed that it includes long stretches of tall, imposing, concrete walls? Our engineers have done their best to design a wall with a nice aesthetic, but we’re also going to be looking at this thing for the rest of our lives. Then

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Why workers are reluctant to come to Minnesota, but stay once they’re here

When it comes to migration in and out, attracting talent, especially out of places that have a bit more allure, what does the data actually say? In Minnesota, they’re trying to figure that out. What they’re discovering is that it’s hard to get people to come, but once they get here, they stay. Sound familiar?

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Bismarck-Mandan Rail Bridge preservation group seeks state hearing

It is in the “public interest to provide for the preservation of historic sites, buildings, structures and antiquities of state and national significance for the inspiration, use and benefit of the people of the state of North Dakota” That’s the position of the attorney representing a grassroots citizen group setting out to save the historic

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Another riverwalk master plan promises to breathe life into a city center

These stories are becoming pretty common. Communities across the continent are recognizing their past mistakes and current opportunities and revitalizing their riverfronts. The question in Minot is will we follow this sound thinking, or will we be left behind? Check out the full Riverwalk concept from Brampton, Ontario below. Get the full story from local

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They’re Unpaving a Parking Lot, and Putting Up Paradise

Maybe it’s some kind of theme or current trend. Cities and communities all over the world are reinvesting in their riverfronts. This time the story is from New York, a place that’s had a pretty good run of attracting talented people. Maybe Minot’s old industrial center and current eyesore can be more than it is

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City of Grand Forks sells City-Owned Buildings

Buildings acquired by the City of Grand Forks and redeveloped following the 1997 flood are being sold back to the private sector. Among the reasons, the City of Grand Forks doesn’t want to be in the business of competing with private landlords. It’s an idea near and dear here in Minot as we’ve made many

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