Rural Drive-in Theaters: Modest Renaissance in Saskatchewan

For nostalgia seeking movie watchers, there are still a few places to catch a movie from your car… on an actual big screen.

Read & Share   sourced from: The StarPhoenix

Bismarck Tribune Bakken Recap: First LNG Plant Opens

A first-of-its-kind liquid natural gas plant opens in Tioga, lots of Watford City students are considered homeless, a growing number of spills, and rising crime — these are topics of a Bakken recap.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Monthly Bakken Report: Lyne Helms & Bakken Magazine

Oil prices and new production records are the focus of news on the Bakken oil play today. Get a great recap article and more production details here.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bakken Magazine

Ebola in West Africa – In Pictures

While the CDC’s handling of Ebola in the U.S. leaves a lot to desire, the situation in West Africa is of an entirely different nature. We will be seeing a lot more of this story.

Read & Share   sourced from: The Washington Post

The End is Near: HBO to Offer Internet Only Streaming

If you’ve been waiting for the marginalization of the cable companies, you’re one big step closer. Starting in 2015 HBO will offer direct streaming to Internet-only subscribers. Al la carte television is almost here.

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Subscribe to Today in Minot!

It's the free, easy way to stay informed about what's happening in Minot, and it helps support independent local news and journalism.

Go Mobile: Your Guide to a Minot Voice Everywhere

Our website is our ‘App’ — they’re one and the same, and this is your guide to getting our ‘App’ on your phone.  It takes about one minute, and we can teach anybody! For Android Users (not Apple/iPhones) The gallery below shows the process in pictures too. Open up your Chrome browser. Type in or

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Welcome to The Minot

Want the rundown on what The Minot is all about?  Tips, tricks, and everything else you need to know about us is right here!

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Add Your Voice! Registration is Free, Easy, & Important!

Anonymity on the Internet has been disastrous for public discourse because user-names allow people to write inflammatory, offensive, disrespectful, or just-plain-wrong things without any fear of public redress. A healthy community needs constructive criticism, people questioning decisions, and we need leadership held to high standards, but in a small town, it needs to happen respectfully. We’re going

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QUICK TIPS: The Most Important Buttons on The Minot Voice!

Everything about the Minot Voice has been designed to make things easy for you — a very important visitor to our website. Navigating around the website and taking full advantage of the tools we’ve built will be a snap if you take a minute and browse through the gallery below. Launch the gallery by clicking

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News for Minot!

We’re doing the news a little differently… here’s the list of how… News for Minot!  Minot isn’t quite perfect, and so our editorial bent will lean towards stories and ideas that should be influencing and informing the decisions that are being made in and for Minot… no matter where they come from or their source.

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Advertising on the Internet that Won’t Annoy You!

In order to make the Internet better, we had to make Advertising on the Internet better… want to know how we’re doing it?  Learn more here.

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Subscribe to Today in Minot!

It's the free, easy way to stay informed about what's happening in Minot, and it helps support independent local news and journalism.

Community Driven Media… That Means You!

Do you have Minot news to share? Do you like to write? Do you want to write?  Do you care about the issues facing Minot?  Consider the Minot your new home on the Internet.  We are an open access network designed to give you a place to share ideas, opinions, galleries, video, art, news,

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Classifieds. Simplified. For Minot!

It’s a modern marketplace just for Minot! The best part… the automation and efficiency of the Internet allows us to make this available to our users for the unbeatable price of FREE! And for our out Local ‘Voices’… Sponsored Ads. When our business users post in our classifieds, their ads are instantly become sponsored so

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A Voice for Business… The Minot

The Minot Voice is designed from the bottom up to make the Internet work for local businesses.  We can help you reach the audience that matters most… your clients!

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The Minot is Social!

Want an easy way to keep up with the news and show some support at the same time? Throw us some love from your favorite social network! Check out our Facebook Page!, Follow us on Twitter, Follow us on Google Plus. Sharing made easy on Every Page!

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Got an Idea for the Minot Voice?

Our goal is to always be improving, and we’d love to have your suggestions. There’s virtually no limit to what can be done with computer code these days, and it’s a fun time to think about how technology will change the way we live, work, communicate, find, and learn.  If you have an idea or

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