Uber Service Starting Today in Fargo

The wildly successful ride-sharing service arrives in North Dakota today. Yesterday, we published a piece on how the self-driving car revolution will be here sooner than we realize and here’s the first evidence pointing in that direction.

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U.S. Honeybee Losses Soar Over Last Year, USDA Report Finds

The cause of dying the honey bee colonies used for pollination in the agriculture industry and honey production remains unknown. What is certain — the problem appears to be getting worse. Get the story from Reuters.

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Wyoming Team Working To Save Both Sage Grouse And Industry

A lot of people are waiting on a decision from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expected this September. The question being decided: should the sage grouse go on the endangered species list? There are consequences with either action, get the story from Inside Energy.

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The Simpsons Loses Ned Flanders, Mr. Burns, and Principal Skinner as Harry Shearer quits

One of the long-running animated show’s iconic voice actors, Harry Shearer, has confirmed that he will not be rejoining the cast for seasons 27 and 28. The 71-year old actor released the news over Twitter on Wednesday. Mr. Shearer voices several loved characters on the show including Montgomery Burns, Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner, the bus

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Downtown Parking Project Update

The work is pacing up in downtown Minot, but the Central Ave. garage has had a few surprises. Get the latest update on the progress from KX News.

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It’s National Infrastructure Week: More Potholes Than Tax Dollars To Fill Them

In Minot, significant growth and a devastating flood have put a lot of pressure on our city’s infrastructure — roads, bridges, water systems, but nationally, the problem is deferred maintenance. And the issue is starting to catch up with us.

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Drillers Answer Low Oil Prices With Cost-Saving Innovations

Neccissity is the mother of invention, and the lower oil prices are forcing drillers to once again prove the age old addage. Get the story on innovating in the oil field from The New York Times.

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Inspiring: North Dakota Mom Who Raised 73 Children

Six decades spent raising more than 70 kids, most seeking shelter from abusive homes. People.com delivers a portrait of a remarkable life and remarkable person from not that far away from Minot.

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Book Review: The Wanderings and Writings of Willie Nelson

There are few performers as iconic as Willie Nelson, and that status is only earned after a long and colorful life. If you’re curious about some of the stories from that life, check out the quick review of It’s A Long Story.

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Study: Kids Who Grow Up With Anxious Parents Take on Their Anxiety

It turns out that we pass a lot more along to our kids than our genetic profile, and that includes the worries and fears we carry on a regular basis. Get the details on the latest scientific study on the topic from Quartz.

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Christians Are Losing Ground as “Nones” Are Soaring in America

As American moves further into the 21st Century, we are identifying less and less with the faith of our parents. Get the statistics on our latest spiritual make-up in this article from onfaith.

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House Approves Bill to Roll Back Waters of the U.S. rule

U.S. House Resolution 1732 passed 261-155 on Tuesday, it now goes to the Senate. The resolution will slow the adoption process of the controversial Waters of the U.S. rule being proposed by the Corps of Engineers and the E.P.A..

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Senators Push Bill to Retain B-52s at Military Bases

Senators Hoeven and Heitkamp are promoting legislation that would require the Air Force and Department of Defense complete a comprehensive review and analysis before retiring active aircraft from the B-1, B-2 or B-52 fleets.

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Tornado slams into S.D. town: Storm carries 130 mph winds, Destroys Much

The storm took place over the weekend and serves as a stark reminder that even though we’re not in tornado alley, we’re still subject to whims of a harsh prairie environment. Learn why it’s important to take cover when the sirens blare with this story.

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Hoeven is Earning Support in the World of School Lunch Programs

— Official News Release, Senator Hoeven — In response to a recent Senate Agriculture Committee hearing, the National School Board Association and the School Nutrition Association (SNA) issued strong endorsements of Senator John Hoeven’s Healthy School Meals Flexibility Act. Both groups voiced strong support in social media and news releases commending the measure and calling

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Great Western Cattle Trail brought Texas Longhorns to the High Plains

The cattle history isn’t as closely tied to Minot as it is in the Southwestern part of the state, but it’s still an important part of our rich cultural heritage. If you’re one of those original cowboy fanatics, you’ll appreciate this article from Agweek.

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