Citizens Voice Concerns at Turtle Mountain Council Meeting

Citizens of the Turtle Mountain Reservation have some concerns about their local leadership and they’re taking steps to solve their problem.

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Oil Wells Yield a Gusher of Goofy Names

  With all the wells being drilled, naming them has started to require creativity. And the systems for naming them are turning to the locally inspired to the themes more commonly found in Hollywood.  It’s a lighthearted Bakken story.

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Audi is Working to Change Energy with Synthetic Gasoline

Here’s a concept: oil-free gasoline. German automaker Audi has been working on it, and now they have a working recipe too.

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Oil Prices Rebound Enough in May to Nullify Oil Production Tax Break Trigger

— Official News Release, ND Tax Commissioner — Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger provided a detailed summary of the current status of the North Dakota oil tax and oil tax incentives, better known as triggers, at a news conference today. “Our office has been watching the price of oil very closely,” said Rauschenberger. “It needed to

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Smartphones Are So Smart They Can Now Test Your Vision

In a new study, an easy-to-use app did just as good a job as the machines in an eye doctor’s office. That’s a boon for people in low-income countries — and really for anyone with vision issues.

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Deer Hunting: Gun Application Due Wednesday

— Official News Release, ND Game & Fish — North Dakota deer hunters are reminded the deadline for submitting applications for the 2015 gun season is June 3. Hunters are encouraged to apply online at the State Game and Fish Department website, The deadline applies to muzzleloader, regular gun, gratis and nonresident landowner, and

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Non-Academic Skills Are Key To Successful Life

  It turns out developing things like grit, a growth mindset, soft skills, emotional skills, and social skills as big a role in life success as academic learning, but those in education are struggling with how to define the concepts.

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Bismarck’s Legacy High Schoo Gets Sports Complex

Bismarck’s third public high school is nearing completion and part of the project includes a significant sports complex that will be used by all of the public schools and the community. The school is on schedule to open in August.

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More Money, Fewer Grasslands: Corn Ethanol’s Impact on Rural America

If you want evidence of how government policy and economic incentives affect behavior, you often need to look big picture and over many years. But in the case of ethanol and corn incentives, you only need to look as far as the former grasslands outside of Jamestown.  

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A New Kind Of College Wins State Approval In Rhode Island

There’s a growing portion of the population who spent some time at college, but didn’t get the degree. In Rhode Island, a program called College Unbound has set out to bring these former students back into the fold and help them complete their degrees.

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Williston Young Professionals Reorganizeing and Growing

The Williston Young Professionals group has gone through a slight reorganization in past months and they’re seeing their membership and impact grow. In Minot, we’ve got our own growing organization, and we’re excited to see them taking a bigger role on The Minot Voice as well.

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North Dakota Congressional Delegation United in Opposition to Waters of the U.S.

Senator Hoeven, Senator Heitkamp, and Congressman Cramer all issued statements in opposition to the EPA’s new Waters of the U.S. rule. The rule, which is intended to clarify what waters fall under the jurisdiction of the EPA through the Clean Water Act, is viewed locally as a vast overreach of authority by the federal government

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Heitkamp Holds Meeting to Address State’s Infrastructure Issues

— Official News Release, Senator Heitkamp — Continuing the work through her Strong & Safe Communities Initiative, U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp today joined local community leaders to discuss the importance of building and expanding roads and bridges across the state to improve safety and keep up with the increase of traffic on the roads. Joined

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Ward County Seeking Repayment on Expenses Not Approved by Commission

A problem in the chain of command and communication led to more than $500k in expenses that were approved unbeknownst to the County Commission. And as of Tuesday’s meeting, Ward County is suggesting those costs are the responsibility of the architect.

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GrainCorp to Boost U.S. Malt output, Target Craft Beer Boom

The craft beer industry is taking off around the country, and it’s creating a new market for the agriculture industry. Maybe this is something we should be noticing here in North Dakota where we like beer and grow grain.

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KX News: NAWS Project Update

The Northwest Area Water Supply Project (NAWS) has been a litigated issue nearly from day one, but the days of being held up in court appear to be numbered. The decision from a judge isn’t imminent, but it does look to be on schedule within the calendar year. Here’s the full update from KX News. Here’s

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