Watch & Learn: What Happened To Coal?

  There’s a lot of rhetoric being thrown around by environmentalists and coal lobbyists these days. So much so, it’s difficult to sort fact from fiction. But there’s no doubt the coal industry is in a period of transition; what’s not as clear is the idea that environmental regulations are the sole cause. The video

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Winnipeg: Curbside organic pickup considered

Winnipeg city council members heard the details on a program to implement curbside organic waste pickup in the City. But the cost of the program has leaders concerned that it would hike already high water and sewer bills.

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Winter Driving: Preventing slick roads gets more scientific

For the Minnesota Highway Department, the amount of salt and brine they use on winter roads is not casually determined. More and more, science and research are guiding the amount of material used and application rates that use resources efficiently and create safe driving conditions.

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Grand Forks Air Force Base Well Positioned for UAV Mission

It wasn’t that many years ago that the future of the Grand Forks Air Force Base was in question, but with the rise of the unmanned aerial system industry (UAS, UAV), the base is now positioned better than ever. And the industry is driving new education opportunities as well private sector investment in the community.

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Innovation: How the oceans can clean themselves

  There’s no questioning we as a culture and a species have a lot of problems to solve. But one of the reason’s our problems occasionally seem so overwhelming is because we haven’t yet imagined the right solution. One of those problems is the vast amount of plastic now floating in the ocean. The first

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Northwest Landowners Associations Gathers Officials for Pipeline Discussion

The Northwest Landowners Association recently held an information expo with the intention of finding solutions for the friction between landowners and pipeline operators and contractors. Amy Dalrymple has the story.

Read & Share   sourced from: Oil Patch Dispatch

Pierce County Blocks Nuclear Drilling Test

A plan to drill down to the oldest rock on the planet has been blocked by Pierce County Commissioners. The plan was billed as scientific research, but local officials believe it was a thinly veiled effort to test for the viability of nuclear waste disposal.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bismarck Tribune

Roesler ready to chase spot in Summer Olympics

A Fargo athlete has hopes of representing the U.S. at this summer’s Rio Olympics. Laura Roesler is a former Fargo South track standout and will be running hard for a spot on the women’s track team while competing in the 800-meter race.

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Organization Ranks Minot in Municipal Equality Index

Last year, the legislature rejected a bill that banned discrimination based on sexual orientation. That action left cities the option of making their own laws, and a few have done just that. But Minot is not among them.  

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Getting Active in Nature is Great for Your Health

The theory is new and far from proven, but research indicates that exposure to biodiversity like forests and oceans is good for us. And it may not simply be the perception of getting away from things, there may be actual physical factors in the environment contrubting.

Read & Share   sourced from: Science Alert

Forecasting Oil Markets has Proven Risky Business

The big news these days is the budget impact the low oil price is having on North Dakota. It’s a symptom of an old problem, those forecasting for oil markets is notoriously bad. The article linked below is a comprehensive look at the oil industry and the markets that shape the pricing. It’s an interesting

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11 North Dakota Attractions You Can Visit for Free

North Dakota requires you off the beaten path to find the hidden gems. Troy Larson has been taking pictures of the prairie for years, and this article features a few of the natural wonders and historic landmarks you can see for free.

Read & Share   sourced from: Ghosts of North Dakota

Putting the ‘portable’ in school portables

While in Minot we’re redrawing our school attendance lines to reduce the dependence on portable classrooms, in Winnipeg they’re working to figure out how to make those classrooms actually portable. It seems red tape has made them almost impossible to move.

Read & Share   sourced from: Winnipeg Free Press

2015 a banner year for bison industry

With customer demand growing and historically growing and recently stable prices, now is the best time ever to be in the bison production business.

Read & Share   sourced from: Dickinson Press

NDSU economist: State’s economy suffering from lack of diversity

The recent billion-dollar budget shortfall has exposed some glaring issues with the North Dakota economy. Despite all the fantastic news of the last few years, we’re still painfully dependent on two industries — agriculture and oil and gas.

Read & Share   sourced from: Bakken Magazine

Lawmaker criticizes ND higher ed for waiving tuition for international students

With higher education continuing costs to rise along with more allocations from the state budget, one Minot lawmaker is concerned we’ve got our priorities mixed up. Rep. Roscoe Streyle recently called attention to the fact that international students receive a disproportionate number of full tuition waivers.

Read & Share   sourced from: InForum