How LEGO Freaks Stack and Store Their LEGOs

If you’ve got kids, there’s a pretty good chance you’ve got LEGOs, and if you’ve got LEGOs, there’s pretty good chance you have a lot of them. Here’s your chance to learn how the truly obsessed manage the pieces that fuel their compulsion to build.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Get The Minot Voice on Your Phone or Tablet…

Getting the Minot Voice on your phone or tablet is easy and only takes a few seconds. We’ll teach you how to add our icon to your home screen right now!

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Mental Models: Solve Problems by Approaching Them from New Perspectives

The Minot Voice featured a quote from Richard Feynman a few days ago; then this article filtered though so it’s being shared. There’s a bit of math and science context here, but the lessons can and should be applied to any problem or circumstance.

Read & Share   sourced from: James Clear Blog

An Honest Letter from Your IT Department

If your job requires a computer, you can probably relate, and you’ll probably laugh. If your job does not require a computer, feel free to laugh at those of us who have jobs that require a computer.

Read & Share   sourced from: McSweeney's

Without This Woman’s Help, Lewis and Clark Were Goners

The Smithsonian Channel’s Aerial America features a couple short videos that show off North Dakota and some of her history. If you follow the link out, make sure you scroll down after the Sacajawea video to catch videos on Teddy Roosevelt and John Jacob Astor.

Read & Share   sourced from: Smithsonian Channel

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The Bizarre Mirages That Once Scared the Bejesus Out of Sailors

Ever wonder where the myths and wild stories of the sea came from? Here’s the science the explains the mirage phenomenon in an easy to understand article from Wired.

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED

Photography Tips from One of the World’s Best Photojournalists

Do you like to take pictures? Want to get better at it? Here’s your chance to learn from one of the best.

Read & Share   sourced from: Gizmodo

If the Size of a Country was Relative to Its Population

Ever wonder what the world would look like if the land mass of a country was determined by the population? Neither had I, but it does make for an interesting perspective shift.

Read & Share   sourced from: Vox

The Economics of Almonds & Insanity of Almond Milk

Did you know: It takes a gallon of water to grow a single almond? A gallon of almond milk has the same nutritional value of a handful of almonds but costs 6 times as much? For no other reason than I found them interesting, here are two articles on the state of the almond craze.

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Archery… The Old Fashioned Way

The guy’s name is Lars Andersen, and he has taken archery to a new level by looking back on its history.  It’s a perfect feature for a Sunday morning dose of P.B.A..

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NASA’s Huge Image of a Tiny Section of Space (Video too)

Space is big, staggeringly so, uncomprehendingly so, and NASA has just delivered a picture that hammers the point home… just in case you hadn’t thought about it in a while. The image, captured with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is the largest and sharpest image ever taken of the Andromeda galaxy — otherwise known as

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Watch: What Can Stacking Three Balls on Top of Each Other Teach You About Physics?

How about a three-minute physics lesson on energy transfer delivered in an visual experiment that you easily reproduce at home? Yes? Click and watch.

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I Want it That Way – 70’s Soul Backstreet Boys Cover

If you never go into the Backstreet Boys, it could be that they were just from the wrong era. Maybe this is better....

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Playing for Change Plays Lean on Me

This easily qualifies as a great performance, but there's no point in explaining what the folks at Playing for Change do, just watch the video.

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Acoustic Cover, Sam Smith’s ‘I’m Not The Only One’

Take a short break for a musical interlude. David Wong headlines a talented string quartet in this well-covered acoustic piece.

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North Dakota State Bison Fans Deserve to Hear this (Because they Probably Can’t Read)

If you didn’t catch the “What’s Bugging Andy” segments last fall after the Bison football team won in Iowa then here is your chance to catch up. But don’t take him too seriously, he’s after a laugh and he’s willing to point the finger at Iowa too.

Read & Share   sourced from: WHO Des Moines