Today in Minot | Dec 12, 2024

Today is Thursday, December 12th. The sun will rise on the 82nd day of fall, and the 347th day of the year at 6:00 PM. We will see of daylight before it sets at 6:00 PM. See What's Happening Today in Minot! #SupportLocalMedia #SavorMinot

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On This Day | December 12

On this day radio crossed an ocean. A painting with a wry smile was recovered and became famous, and the Supreme Court decided an election. In Minot, we trusted in Teddy, but tariffs -- not so much.

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On This Day | Who Pays the Tariff?

It is doubtful the tariff will be taken off from paper and the raw material for the manufacture of this article. This would do little good, as Canada, from which country we hope to

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On This Day | A Trusted Trust Buster

The corporations are now beginning to get in their work in an endeavor to show that Pres. Roosevelt is the cause of the money panic. The corporations waited for an opportune moment to spring

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In Verse: Seems Like A Thousand Years Ago Today 

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Today in Minot | Dec 11, 2024

Today is Wednesday, December 11th. The sun will rise on the 81st day of fall, and the 346th day of the year at 6:00 PM. We will see of daylight before it sets at 6:00 PM. See What's Happening Today in Minot! #SupportLocalMedia #SavorMinot

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On This Day | December 11

On this day a King chose love over title, the declarations of war were getting out of hand, and a Ponzi scheme finally caught up. In Minot, we were dared to try a recipe for potato doughnuts. We understood that good government is foundation that drives business, and backyard chickens where a solution to high egg prices.

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On This Day | Potato Doughnuts (trigger warning)

This recipe is excellent as they do not take the fat in frying and will stay moist for days.

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On This Day | Backyard Chickens?

With eggs so high, it's a wonder people do not raise more chickens. Our own county could supply Chicago, farmers would cultivate hens instead of grain. Every lot in town should have a chicken

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On This Day | Good Government Drives Business

Businessmen are naturally most deeply interested in good government, in keeping the city clean, healthful and attractive and seeing to it that business methods and management are given.

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On This Day | Minot’s Steady Growth

The city has never had a boom, but her growth has been gradual.

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Massive data centers consuming large amounts of energy have eyes on South Dakota

South Dakota could soon be hosting some unexpected new guests—massive data centers known as “hyperscalers,” which are on the lookout for colder climates to cool their thousands of servers efficiently. These futuristic hubs, often run by tech titans, hinge on enormous energy demands, raising eyebrows among local utilities and regulators. The sparking debate involves balancing

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Side Hustle: The Election Worker

We’re a month removed from our election and everything it entailed. Perhaps that’s enough time, perhaps not. Regardless, this story from Iceland provides a light perspective on how those from another place in the world think about their democracy and the responsibilities that come with maintaining it. The recap follows, get the full story from

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Compare Minot: Moorhead City Council approves 2025 budget with 5% tax hike

Minot is not the only town with property taxes. We’re not the only place where they occasionally go up, too. Moorhead’s City Council has laid down the blueprint for 2025 with a $142 million budget, preparing for a modest bump in property taxes. With a revised tax levy, expect a 4.99% increase in property taxes,

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Today in Minot | Dec 10, 2024

Today is Tuesday, December 10th. The sun will rise on the 80th day of fall, and the 345th day of the year at 8:25 AM. We will see 8 hours 25 minutes of daylight before it sets at 4:50 PM. See What's Happening Today in Minot! #SupportLocalMedia #SavorMinot

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Ask AI: Institutional Gaslighting

This article is a reproduction of a conversation with ChatGPT. It is published here to provide deeper context to this recently published commentary. The original conversation can be viewed here. Chat, Are you familiar with the term “Institutional Gaslighting”? ChatGPT said: Yes, “institutional gaslighting” refers to situations where an organization, institution, or entity manipulates information

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