Viewing The World Through a Good-Data Filter

The value of good data shall not be underestimated, but equally important is having the tools to make sense of it. This presentation by a Swedish statistician will alter your preconceptions about the world we live in, and leave you with a refreshingly hopeful take on the state of the world and the direction we’ve

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The Science is in… Men are More Likely to Be Idiots

A statistical study of the world’s most idiotic deaths suggests men are more likely to suffer from a sort of fatal idiot syndrome. The science is real, so if you’re a man… you’ve been warned.

Read & Share   sourced from: Science Alert

Tips for Improving Your Information Diet

The timing of this article is very apropos. After all, better information is what the Minot Voice is all about.

Read & Share   sourced from: Life Hacker

Slow Motion Awesome: Raindrop Impacts on Sand

There are a lot of everyday events that look very different when you slow them down — a lot, but this short video on a rain drop hitting landing in sand is particularly impressive. The video was recorded by chemical engineers at the University of Minnesota researching…. wait for it…. the types of craters that water drops

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Economic Lessons from Marathon Finishers?

When we set goals, we like nice round numbers… like finishing a marathon in under four hours. Often times, these goals are valuable motivators, but they also occasionally lead us towards bad decisions and outcomes. Read this article to inform your own behavior for the better.

Read & Share   sourced from: New York Times

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Documentary Makers Finally Produce Worthwhile Movie

Perhaps there’s a bit of irreverence in our title, but it’s all in good fun — which seems fitting for the movie you’re about to preview. You’ll have to wait until the new year, but it looks like it will be released to video on demand  just in time to help you get over your

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Sitting Bad, Standing Good. It Doesn’t Matter if You Excercise

If you spend a lot of time sitting throughout the day, it’s likely to have some undesirable outcomes. A new study suggests sitting leads to changes in our chromosomes, which causes problems when our cells divide. Watch the video here, then get up, stand up, stand up for your self.

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Women: Learn How Often You Should See Your OBGYN

The accepted standard used to be see your OBGYN once a year, but improved testing accuracy has allowed that standard to change in some cases. Learn how often you should be seeing your doctor in this informative report form Valley News Live.

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Heading to Vegas Anytime Soon?

The odds are pretty good that you’ll get hoodwinked by unscrupulous cab driver. Get informed, get a laugh, and get a clear picture of government bureaucracy doing some of its finest work all in this one article.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Hall & Oats: Live From a Traveling Van

There are a lot of things that might make a great performance, and one of them certainly should be the circumstances and environment. So how about a traveling van on the highway? This video from Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers is part of a regular video series that has brought a lot of notoriety to

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Samurai versus BB Gun

Ridiculous things on the Internet, it’s part of the P.B.A. mission. What you’re about to see doesn’t really seem possible… but there it is.

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A Quick Article on Understanding Oil Prices

Oil prices have been a big part of the national conversation lately, and here at home the consequences of price changes are ever present. Get a quick look at some of the basic factors that contribute to oil prices in this short article from The Washington Post.

Read & Share   sourced from: The Washington Post

The Final Word on Weight Loss and Diets

The New Year Resolution season is almost here, and if you’re looking to add a little common sense your approach to shedding some pounds, start and end with this article from Vox… Surprisingly simple tips from 20 experts about how to lose weight and keep it off.

Read & Share   sourced from: Vox

The Ferguson Evidence: See for Yourself

There’s little more that can or should be said about this case that hasn’t already been said, but for those of you interested in seeing the first hand transcripts and evidence that was considered by the grand jury, here it is.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Safety on Ice Starts with Good Decisions

Knowing when you should be on the ice and in what type of vehicle will give you the best chance of not having to aget a little cold, or perhaps die. Check out this video from North Dakota Game and Fish on how to stay safe on the ice this winter.

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Guys on Bikes Doing Crazy S#!%

If you watch, make sure you hang in till the end as some of the magic will be revealed as good old fashioned grit.

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