Watch: Le Petit Chef Cooks Dinner While You Watch

  In today’s installment of P.B.A., culinary experiences take a digital step forward. You won’t be able to taste it, but we’re betting you’ll still appreciate the creativity.

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Minot’s City Council: How We Compare to Area Cities

This presentation is a few months old, but the information is still relevant. As you do the research, it turns out Minot’s method of local government is quite different than other cities in our state.

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Liquor License Law: The A, B, C’s of Economics

On the heels of a really bad decision — like the one that came out of City Council last week — we’re going to assume that our elected officials simply don’t understand the consequences of their actions. In a small community like Minot, where we all know and trust each other, the idea of ‘bounded

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What Commercials Have Taught Me About Laundry

If we weren’t all programmed to ignore commercials (or at least attempt to) and instead were forced to actually watch them, you might be surprised by what is being taught. Have a laugh at this too true satire.

Read & Share   sourced from: McSweeney's

Perspective: The Fallen of World War II

There have been few wars like World War II, and when you compare the number of fallen against other wars in history, the contrast becomes even more stark. The video you watch below will help you put it in perspective; it’s your job to remember. The accompanying website mentioned in the video can be viewed

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The Hidden Economic Rules Behind Tinder, Marriage, Kidneys, and College Admissions

Underlying many of the decisions we make on a daily basis, there are economic principles at work. This article introduces you to the guy who wrote the book — literally — on a principle called matching markets and it’s more a part of your life than you realize.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Purify Your System With the Seven-Day Chili Dog Cleanse

And the best part of this nutritional program — with the state fair a bit over a month away, it will never be more convenient or easy. Get the skinny on this new easy-to-succeed diet here.

Read & Share   sourced from: McSweeney's

How Much Do You Know About Where Our Electricity Comes From?

The U.S. electrical grid is the original ‘web’, and it’s an aging piece of important infrastructure. The energy that traverses it shapes business, the environment, geopolitics, and almost every facet of our daily lives. Want to know more about it? Check this out.

Read & Share   sourced from: Inside Energy

Argument Settled: Hockey Pucks are the Toughest

The argument over the toughest athlete will have to continue, but as to which sport has the toughest thing-that-you-play-with — it’s clearly hockey. But don’t take my word for it, check out the video below of a red-hot ball of nickel being placed on a hockey puck. It’s this weekend’s edition of pointless, but awesome.

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How This Artist Makes Perfect Clouds Indoors

  Nothing looks more out of place than a perfectly formed cloud hovering in a totally manmade environment. And one man has mastered the art of creating the cloud and capturing the ethereal moment.

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The World’s Longest (and Scariest) Glass Pedestrian Bridge

  It’s a big world outside of Minot’s borders, and a few places even have long, scary, glass bridges you can walk on. Here’s one of them. Yes, it’s in China. Yes, there are lots of pictures with this article. No, I would never consider walking across.

Read & Share   sourced from: WIRED

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A Step-by-Step guide to Successfully Sharing Your Thoughts on Facebook

Don’t worry, if you’re not on the social network, this won’t convince you to join. But if you’re there and want to laugh at yourself, or if you’re not and want a taste, check this quick, cynics guide.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Top Ten Things I’ve Always Wanted to Say To David Letterman

Whatever your thoughts of the guy, last night marked the end of an era. Check out the final Top 10 list as read by many of the funny, regular guests he’s had over the years.

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Watch: The Unrideable Backwards Brain Bicycle

Have you ever met a bike you couldn’t ride? Most would say no, but today may be the day. In the video below you can see first hand that one small change to the steering mechanism on a bike throws brain-bike-processing skills into chaos. It’s both informative, entertaining, and perhaps worthy of a booth at

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Watch: Oil Well Downhole Camera Video

Want to see what it looks like in the bottom of an oil well? Here’s your chance.

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An Architect Wants to Build an Underwater Tennis Court in Dubai

Generations of oil wealth on the Arabian Peninsula have resulted in some pretty luxurious spending, but if it’s built, an underwater tennis court will probably make a somebody’s top-ten list.  It makes you wonder what our indulgences will look like in fifty years.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz