Is it Time for Little Self Examination?

The energy revolution we’ve been privileged to embrace over the past almost-ten years has been nothing short of remarkable. Western North Dakota has been transformed from poor to wealthy, from surviving to thriving, from a national after thought… to national and even world relevance. We are the standard bearer for creating a friendly, energy-development environment

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The Flood of 2011… What Did We Learn?

We’re more than three years removed from a very hard summer; life has gotten on with it self. The lessons we learned run the gamut… from hopeful to pessimistic, from tragic to humorous, so we’re asking the question — what did the flood teach you? Here’s a few to get you started… Little river, Big valley.

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Cable TV Chord Cutting On the Rise

Minot Voice Editorial: The news you’ll read on Quartz informs the recently surging net neutrality debate. It’s easy to imagine a protectionist agenda from our big-corporation cable and media providers in light of a rapidly changing market place that favors choice.

Read & Share   sourced from: Quartz

Fed Says Long-Term Rates May Exceed Forecasts

Follow the link for the story. Check the comments for the one-line editorial delivered by user Hardened Cynic who states, “These guys are riding a rocket and have no idea where they are going.”

Read & Share   sourced from: Bloomberg