In Verse: Seems Like A Thousand Years Ago Today 

Simon and Garfunkel—My Little Town

The Docs and county health folks got the lines set up in the gym
Mom an Dad loaded us up for school
We walked in the door 
“Pledged allegiance to the wall”
Lined up at the door and walked down the waxed wood floors
Down the long hauls 
And with trust in Ike, God, Doc Hankins, and Mom and Dad
We took the needle to beat polio for American dreamers
And we knew what we did 
We were on our way to John F Kennedy, 
Cape Canaveral and the Beatles 

Who knew what foolish madness crept around in the 
Furnace rooms of the country 
What happened to make so many lose their cool?

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Rick Watson

Rick Watson is a 5th generation Anguished Anglo-Saxon Doggerlander who wanders vastly across the spiritual plains of Dakota Land—He is a retired ELCA pastor, retired MSU Lecturer, ND Associate Poet Laureate who still straps on the guitar, writes little essays, and loves to write ballads about our world and sing them for folks.

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