Today is Friday, March 8th. The sun will rise on the 79th day of winter, and the 68th day of the year at 7:11 AM. We will see 11 hours 30 minutes of daylight before it sets at 6:41 PM.
Currently we have overcast, frigid weather. The temperature is 4 degrees. The wind is 0 mph out of the West. Today, we are expecting sunny and chilly weather. The temperature will reach a high of 29°F with winds 5-10 mph out of the West.
On This Day
On this day in 1983, President Ronald Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as an “evil empire” in a speech to the National Association of Evangelicals. This marked a turning point in the Cold War, as Reagan’s rhetoric signaled a shift in U.S. foreign policy towards the Soviet Union.
Born & Died: Mikhail Gorbachev, (Born, 1931) Former President of the Soviet Union, James Van Der Beek, (Born, 1977) Actor, Aidan Quinn, (Born, 1959) Actor, Lester Holt, (Born, 1959) News anchor
Today is: International Women’s Day,National Proofreading Day,National Oregon Day,National Peanut Cluster Day
Upcoming Fun
Mari Black Trio @InternationalArtistSeries | Sunday, March 10th, Team USA vs Team Canada (The Border Battle) @PrairieGrit | Wednesday, March 13th, Everywhere is an Archipelago: A Guest Artist Recital @MSUPerformingArts | Wednesday, March 13th
SavorMinot’s guest writer for today is painter and TV personality Bob Ross . Read and grade the results here.