Today is Saturday, February 17th. The sun will rise on the 59th day of winter, and the 48th day of the year at 7:49 AM. We will see 10 hours 21 minutes of daylight before it sets at 6:10 PM.
Currently we have clear skies. The temperature is 16 degrees. The wind is 18 mph out of the West. With wind and humidity factored, it feels like 0 degrees. Today, we are expecting scattered clouds and cool temperatures. The temperature will reach a high of 34°F with winds 15-20 mph out of the West.
On This Day
On this day in 1867, the first ship passed through the Suez Canal, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea and drastically reducing travel time between Europe and Asia.
Born & Died: Michael Jordan, (Born, 1963) Hall of Fame basketball player, entrepreneur, Rene Russo, (Born, 1954) Actress and former model, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, (Born, 1981) Actor, filmmaker, and entrepreneur, Ed Sheeran, (Born, 1991) Singer-songwriter and musician, Larry the Cable Guy, (Born, 1963) Comedian and actor, Lou Diamond Phillips, (Born, 1962) Actor and film director
Today is: National Cabbage Day,National Random Acts of Kindness Day,National Red Sock Day
Upcoming Fun
Fight February! An Artist Showcase @PrairieSkyBreads | Tuesday, February 27th, Blue Rider Dance Party! @BlueRider | Saturday, February 17th, Pop Your Pet @TaubeMuseum | Thursday, March 28th
SavorMinot’s guest writer for today is Captain Ahab from Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick”. Read and grade the results here.